To which countries does Falcon deliver?

Falcon delivers exclusively from Romania to England and from England to Romania.

How can you place or order?

To deliver an envelope, parcel or any other package through Falcon from England to Romania or Romania to England, you can contact us by phone, through WhatsApp, SMS, email or directly using the order form on the website.

+44 (203) 1500178 
+44 (776) 6350958

+40 (332) 228060
+40 (749) 378632

How much does it cost to send a package from Romania to England or from England to Romania?

For each shipment, we will ask you for the weight and dimensions of the packages to generate a price. The minimum order is equivalent to 10 kilograms.

How can payment be made?

We accept cash payment both for collection and delivery, bank transfer or by card through an online payment link.

Can I deliver from anywhere in Romania and England?

The transport service is available in Romania in all counties and in Great Britain we cover England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

What is the minimum order accepted for delivery?

You can send packages as small as you want with Falcon. However, the minimum order for delivery is 10 kg.

If I send valuables, can I insure them?

For shipments with insurance at the client’s request, we charge 10% of the asset’s value.

Why don't you carry perishable food?

These products require transport in special conditions of temperature and humidity, conditions that can be ensured only in special machines or containers.

What products are allowed for transportation?

We can transport any type of product except alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, explosives, toxic, flammable, psychotropic substances, drugs, weapons or parts thereof, ammunition, objects for which special conditions of transport are established, by legal administrative, economic provisions, sanitary, veterinary, phytosanitary: works of art, antiques, gold, silver, precious stones, perishable products, live animals, etc.

How should we prepare the packages?

Only parcels properly packaged and labeled by the sender are accepted, according to the good that is the subject of the postal item, with an opaque outer coating – which does not allow viewing the contents (cardboard boxes, plywood, wood, plastic, metal, 2 packages and which have entered the full identification data of the consignee (name and surname/surname in the case of legal persons, respectively full delivery address, telephone) and, optionally, of the consignor, less in the case of cash on delivery and money order on paper, in which case the sender’s details are also required. Mailings containing fragile goods will need to be properly packaged by the sender/integrator, using as chipboard, shockproof polystyrene, or other material that attenuates the mechanical shock (eg. bubble wrap) and have the inscription/label “Fragile” affixed.

Can I send pieces of furniture from England to Romania or from Romania to England?

For larger shipments, please contact us and we will make you a personalized offer.